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Inspiro Premium



Theme Documentation

Plugin Documentation


Inspiro – Configure Homepage (Widgetized) Template

This article refers to Inspiro Premium

Theme Overview (Homepage: Widgetized Template)


Setting up the Homepage (Widgetized) Template

Default homepage layout in Inspiro theme consists of the slideshow at the top and your latest blog posts, but if you want to change this to a similar layout from the demo, which is based on the Page Template called Homepage (Widgetized), you’ll have to follow these instructions:

  1. Go to WordPress Dashboard and create a new page.
  2. Assign the Homepage (Widgetized) template to your new page from the Templates box, then publish the page.
  3. Navigate to Settings -> Reading in your WordPress Dashboard
  4. Find the Front page displays option, and change it to A static page, and then from the Front page dropdown, select your newly create page in step 2. Additionally you can select on which page you want to display your blog posts.

After that navigate to the Widgets page (or you can use the Customizer to manage widgets), and add widgets that you want on the homepage in the Homepage widget area.

We’ve even included in the theme several custom widgets: WPZOOM: Portfolio Showcase, WPZOOM: Portfolio Scroller, WPZOOM: Single Page, WPZOOM: Featured WooCommerce Products:

Screen Shot 2016-08-28 at 09.52.07
Last updated on March 14, 2022

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