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Tribune 4.0 Released

We have big news for everyone using Tribune theme or planning to buy it! The theme has undergone a major re-design along with addition of many new features and improvements.

Tribune 4.0

What’s New

  • A new modern design
  • Live Customizer Integration
  • Infinite Scroll
  • New Advertising Spaces
  • Improved Responsive Design
  • Improved Responsive Navigation
  • New Breaking News bar
  • Social Icons Widget in Header
  • More features can be found on the theme’s page

So, let’s see what has changed:


A New & Modern Design

Here is a side-by-side comparison of the homepage layout in the old and new 4.0 version:

tribune-oldvsnew (1)

As you can see, we’ve made significant improvements to the Featured Area on the homepage, by adding a new slider and a widget area next to it, in which you can insert any widgets you want.

Better Mobile Experience

We’ve made major improvements to the responsive design too. In this update we have improved the mobile navigation, by adding a sliding menu for ease of use on mobile and tablet devices.

tribune40-responsive (1)

New: Featured Slider

The featured area from the homepage in the new version includes a slider where you can add individual posts marked as featured. The slider also supports videos.
Next to the slider is a widget area in which you can add any widgets you want – or use it as a space for advertisements.

tribune-featured2 (1)

Easier Customization

In the new version we’ve moved all the styling options to the Live Customizer for a easier and faster set up. Now you can change the logo, fonts, colors, background and even widgets from one page and see your changes live before saving them.

tribune-customizer (1)

Infinite Scroll

Use regular paginated navigation to show off your posts or switch to infinite scroll to automatically load new posts as you scroll down the page. You can also have more posts load on click.

tribune-inifnite (1)

The new update is available for all existing customers, and you can download it in Members’ area.

For more information about Tribune 4.0 theme see theme page or take a look at the live demo.

Let us know what you think about this update in the comments below!

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