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If there is a problem with your theme or plugin, just let us know! We’re here to help!

We’re sorry that you want to cancel your subscription.

Is there anything we can help with or improve that will make your subscription worth keeping?
We understand that this is an investment in your business. If you feel like it is no longer worth the return, feel free to let us know why.

Maybe we can help. Contact us!

4 Reasons to Keep Your Subscription Active

  • Get the latest updates & new features

    We regularly update all our themes and plugins with new features and big updates. Popular themes like Inspiro, for example, are now on their sixth major iteration. Keep your license active to continue getting the latest updates and theme features, big and small.

  • Keep your site safe

    We always make sure the latest versions of our WordPress products are security-safe and follow industry best practices. Keep your subscription active to continue getting important security updates.

  • World-class support whenever you need it

    Whether you’ve talked to our world-class support team a little, a lot or not-at-all over the last twelve months, keep your license active to continue getting help whenever you need it.

  • Compatibility with the latest WordPress features

    WordPress receives major updates three to four times a year (as well as dozens of minor updates along the way). We always make sure the latest versions of our products are compatible with the latest version of WordPress — and the latest WordPress features.