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Theme Documentation

Plugin Documentation


Venture Documentation


Theme Quick Specs

  • Responsive – Yes
  • Theme Width – 1140px
  • Post Content Width – 750px
  • Page Templates – Homepage (Widgetized), Full-width, Testimonials, Sidebar on the Left
  • Custom Widgets – Call to Action, Clients, Portfolio, Single Page, Sub-Pages, Testimonial Slider, Recent Posts, Social Icons, Latest Tweets, Instagram

Theme Overview

Demo Content Importer

To get quickly the same look of the theme as in the demo see here instructions to Import the Demo Content.


Recommended Plugins (free)

Social Icons Widget – free plugin that allows you to create a list of your social profiles.

Instagram Widget – another free plugin created by us which you can use to add a gallery with your Instagram photos.

Jetpack – a free plugin that includes numerous features that you can active to add extra functionalities in the theme. Recommended features to activate: Related Posts, Tiled Galleries, Sharing Icons, Carousel.

Yoast SEO – a free and useful plugin that adds breadcrumbs navigation to your theme. Just make sure to enable this option in SEO > Advanced > Breadcrumbs.

Customize Colors, Logo, Fonts and other

To Customize different elements of the theme, go to the Appearance > Customizer page.

Newsletter Widget

You can add a newsletter subscription form in widget areas by installing the MailPoet Newsletters plugin (formerly Wysija Newsletters). The plugin is free and also includes a widget called MailPoet Subscription Form

Contact Form Page

To add a contact form to a page like in the demo simply install the WPForms plugin by following these instructions.

How to Change Logo, Colors and Fonts.

In Venture 2.0 theme many options can be changed and customized from Theme Customizer. You can access the Customizer from Themes Page.

In Logo you can upload your own logo image.
In Footer you can change the number of widget columns in the Footer.

Setting-up the Homepage (Widgetized) Template

Default homepage layout in Venture theme shows your latest blog posts, but if you want to change this to the similar layout from the demo, which is based on the Page Template called Homepage (Widgetized), you’ll have to follow these instructions:

  1. Go to WordPress Dashboard and create a new page.
  2. Assign the Homepage (Widgetized) template to your new page from the Template box, then publish the page.
  3. Navigate to Settings -> Reading in your WordPress Dashboard
  4. Find the Front page displays option, and change it to A static page, and then from the Front page dropdown, select your newly create page in step 2. Additionally you can select on which page you want to display your blog posts

Configure Homepage Slider


Each slide from the homepage slideshow is an individual Slideshow post.

  1. To add a new slide, navigate to Slideshow > Add New menu.
  2. Optionally you can assign a link to the slide to any page you want from your website or other external sites. You can also add content in the main area.
  3. It’s also required to upload a Featured Image
  4. Additional slider settings can be configured in Theme Options > Homepage > Homepage Slider.

Widget: Single Page


This widget can be added in the Homepage (Widgetized) template via Widgets page, and it allows to feature the content from individual pages.

  1. If a page has a Featured Image then it will be displayed in the widget, in case you have enabled this options in widget settings.
  2. You can also display a video instead of the Featured Image, but you’ll have to insert the embed code in the Excerpt field when editing the page. If you don’t see the Excerpt metabox, make sure that it’s enabled from the Screen Options from top-right.
  3. This widget will display the full content of a page, but you can easily make use of the <!--more--> Read More tag and insert it anywhere you want in the content.

Create “Our Team” section using WPZOOM: Sub-Pages widget


WPZOOM: Sub-Pages widget can be used to display on homepage multiple subpages of a specific parent page. In the demo we use it to create the Our Team area. Here’s how you can create one in your site too:

  1. Create a new page called Our Team
  2. Create multiple pages with information for each members and assign to all of them the same Parent page that we’ve created in the first step – Our Team
  3. Add the WPZOOM: Sub-Pages widget to the homepage areas and select in its settings to display all subpages of Our Team parent page.

Setting-up the Portfolio Page

Venture theme includes 2 different page templates for Portfolio page:

  1. Portfolio – this is the default template that will display all Portfolio posts on one page.
  2. Portfolio (Paginated) – in this template you can display a specific number of portfolio posts per page. You can change how many posts appear per page in Theme Options > General > Portfolio Template
  1. To create a Portfolio page, in which you will show off all your Portfolio posts, navigate to WordPress Dashboard -> Pages -> Add New
  2. Look for the Template box in the right side, and select any of the 2 available Portfolio templates from the drop-down.
  3. Once you created your Portfolio page, navigate to WPZOOM -> Theme Options.
  4. In Portfolio Options select the your newly created page in the dropdown for the Portfolio Page option.

Setting up the Blog page

  1. To create a page with all your blog posts, navigate to WordPress Dashboard -> Pages -> Add New
  2. Create a new Page called Blog.
  3. Go to Settings > Reading and select the Blog page in the option Posts Page.


To add widgets in this theme, access Appearance -> Widgets menu, and drag widgets to your widgetized areas to activate them.

Widgets Structure in Demo

Screen Shot 2015-10-01 at 11.47.36

Load Default Widgets

From Theme Options you can load automatically default widgets, exactly as in theme demo. All you have to do is to navigate to Theme Options -> Import/Export -> Widgets and click the button Load default widget settings


How do I change summary content (Excerpt) for a post?

On editing page of a post, look for a field called Excerpt. You can add here summaries for your posts each time you want to adjust manually the length of text which appears in Slider, Recent Articles, Post Archives or when you simply want to have a different text than the automatically picked excerpt.

How can I change the number of posts on homepage?

  1. Go to Settings > Reading
  2. Find Blog pages show at most option, and change the number of posts.


Last updated on August 9, 2021