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Cookely includes a super-flexible featured area on the homepage where you can highlight different content. You can display your recipes by featuring three different categories at the same time or add a carousel slider with the posts that deserve everyone’s attention.
The widget area at the top is called Homepage (Top). If you add 3 widgets in it, then they will automatically appear in 3 columns.
Below we’ll explain how to configure the featured area in different cases:
If you want to have the same setup as in the demo, you will have to add 3 x Featured Category (Homepage) widgets in the Homepage (Top) widget area:
Here you can see how to configure each widget, by selecting the category from which you want to display the post in each column:
There are more options available in the widget, so you can use them too.
TIP: If you want to show the latest posts from the same category, just insert the Featured Category (Homepage) widget once, and configure it to show 3 posts instead. You can also create a category named “Featured”, for example, and have it selected in the widget. Whenever you want a new post to appear in the widget, just assign this category to it.
Cookely theme also includes a custom widget called WPZOOM: Carousel Slider.
You can insert this widget once in the Homepage (Top) area, and you will have a beautiful sliding carousel at the top:
Another useful widget included in the theme is called “WPZOOM: Image Box“.
If you prefer to have the Featured Area showing images with links to other pages on your blog, just insert 3 x WPZOOM: Image Box widget and configure each of them with an image, text and a link: