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Keep up to date with the latest news from the WPZOOM team

Gutenberg Tip #1: How to Add a Lightbox Feature to Gallery Block

With WordPress 5.0 and Gutenberg releases coming up in less than 2 weeks, we’d like to start a short series of blog posts with useful tips to get the most of the new editor. Today’s tip will cover a very important feature that’s missing currently in Gutenberg: a lightbox feature […]

GDPR: How WPZOOM is complying and helping our customers comply

We may be a little late to the party, but we wanted to give you a quick update regarding our themes’ GDPR compliance. For those of you who haven’t heard before about GDPR (The General Data Protection Regulation), this is a new regulation of the European Union regarding online privacy […]

What Is WooCommerce

What Is WooCommerce? Understanding the Basics

If you’re new to eCommerce, you might be wondering: what is WooCommerce, and how can it help you? WooCommerce is a WordPress plugin that makes it easy for businesses to build and manage online stores. With its versatility, scalability, and extensive features, it’s a top choice for creating an eCommerce […]